Thursday, December 15, 2016

Adventure Log Session 1

DATE: May 1, 1226 (1,226 years since the Great Sundering)


Thom Tum, Forest Gnome Rogue (Pat)
Igor, Hill Dwarf Cleric (Terry)
Kristoph, Human Fighter (Chris)


-- Characters meet on Owlbear Road, heading to Timbervale on foot after their horses were confiscated by a Royal Work Party.

-- Party encounters wagon with dead driver and very ill woman in the back.  Wagon is defended by small grass golems, which are all destroyed after a brief scuffle.

-- The woman and the wagon are delivered to the Temple of the Nature Goddess in Timbervale.  The priests treat the characters to a bath and thorough cleaning, and ask that they do not speak of the incident to anyone.

-- Visiting a commercial stable, they learn locals are forbidden to sell or rent horses to travelers or strangers by recent government decree

-- They learn that a faddish spell has made conjured 'Catherines' very popular for slave labor and other uses.

-- At the Bulging Belly Inn, they join the real Catherine in a brawl against some jerky locals, and win handily.

-- Real Catherine offers to hire the party as muscle so she can go after her ex-husband who she thinks is responsible for the Catherine spell.  She believes him to be allied with a robber band somewhere in the area.

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