Saturday, April 1, 2017

Vile's Fen

Adventure Log Session 11

Date June 9 - July 11, 1226 Raeleni Calendar

Thom Tum, 4th level Gnome Thief
Igor, 4th level Dwarf Cleric
Iron Stone, 4th Level Dwarf Fighter


-- After a day's delay to tend to some Cleric duties, Igor takes off to catch up to the other characters on the way to Fjorin's Foothold

-- After a day of travel, he stops at Sarruh's rest in, next to Vile's Fen by the river.  He hears singing coming from the fen.

-- Inside, he meets a human fighter and a female Orc mercenary team, and an Orc Shaman with three Timberwolves companions who were on the way to join up with a main Orc horde to try and assault the foothold


-- Igor joins up with the rest of the party at the Foothold keep.

-- Thom scouts out the surrounding forest, finds multiple Orc tribes gathering for an assault on the foothold.  He kills two couriers, but not before they sound the alarm.  He is chased by an Orc horde back to the Foothold keep.

-- The keep becomes surrounded by Orc and allied Goblin tribes, wanting to wipe out Fjorin and his 'metal abominations' form their territory once and for all.

-- The party goes out to negotiate.  Igor meets up with the mercenaries and th shaman he met at Sarruh's Rest Inn.

-- Fjorin launches barrels of Alchemists's Fire at the surrounding horde.  The Orcs and Goblins rush in.  The party decides to side with the Orc and Goblins, and joins them in the assault.

-- Spider-manned automatons rush out to do battle.  Iron Stone engages them while the rest of the party makes their way to the keep.

-- At the keep, there is chaos, but Thom and Igor eventually confront Fjorin, automatons, and crazy spiders in order to win the day.

-- Many Orcs and Goblins rush into the mine tunnels.

-- The party takes Fjorin's corpse and retreats.

-- Thom goes back to try and rig a booby trap with the remaining Alchemist's fire to destroy most of the Orcs and Goblins.  The spiders below decide to collapse the tunnels just at that moment, setting off Thom's trap prematurely.  Thom gets caught in the blast but survives.