There are eleven known worlds accessible through the Gates, including Ximenes. Five are summarized below. More will be added as the author makes them up.
Four worlds can be accessed directly from Ximenes:
TAO: A world with one single large continent and tens of thousands of smaller islands, the world is dominated by seafaring culture and Taoans are the best ship builders known. As Ximenes more or less has a European/Mediterranean flavor to its culture, Tao has a very Asian-like flavor to its culture.
Tao and Ximenes are the two most economically prosperous of the known worlds, and their most successful kingdoms have a friendly rivalry for trade across the other worlds.
ANIMIS: A world dominated by magically-altered animal-people. Animis has a single very large supercontinent holding hundred of kingdoms each dedicated to a particular animal totem. Centuries ago, a single nature-worshipping religion came to dominate the world, and created magical artifacts that allowed their residents to slowly transform through childhood into avatars of a region's patron animal. The changes are mostly cosmetic, happen over many years, and stop when they reach adulthood. Animis is therefore home to minotaurs, catpeople, dogpeople, birdpeople, and so on.
Despite sharing a common religion, the nations of Animis are perpetually squabbling and warring with each other, even more so than the nations on Ximenes.
DRACONIS: Until the Gate was opened, humans and their sister races were unknown on this world. Dragons are rare on Ximenes, but very common here, with humanoid Dragonkin living in their shadow.
THE DARK REALMS: A world whose surface is said to be deadly to any living creature, so most of its inhabitants live below it. This world is honeycombed with continent-spanning labyrinths of tunnels and cave and underground seas, and is inhabited by races such as Dark Elves and Duergars.
JAEA: A world with almost no civilization and overrun with wilderness, especially forests and jungles. The races of the Fae are fairly rare on Ximenes, but are very plentiful here, and tend to be quite dark and cruel. Ruins of a civilization even far older than the Ancient Ximenians are said to be found here, though this remains unconfirmed.
(more worlds to come)
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