Saturday, January 7, 2017

PC Magic Items Gained in Session 3

-- Ring of Feather Falling

-- Bracers of Defense +3

-- Pendant of Dapper Looks:  Usable 1/day.  Wearer is instantly cleaned up as if they'd just bathed or showered.  Hair combed or styled, nails buffed, teeth minty fresh, clothes cleaned, small fabric rents repaired, and if wearing armor minor dents are smoothed and the metal buffed.  Heals 2 HP of damage and removes any recent surface cuts, bruises, scars, etc..  Add 2 to character's Charisma for 4 hours as long as they don't get dirty.

-- Dagger +1 of Spell Storing:  Can hold 1 level of spells.  Can function as a normal item of spell storing, ie, the spell stored can be triggered by the user holding it.  But the weapon was also specifically designed to deliver touch-range spells upon a successful thrown hit, such as Shocking Grasp or Chill Touch.  The blade is well balanced for throwing.  Upon a hit, the knife does normal dagger damage and the spell stored within it activates, delivering whatever effect it has to the target.

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