Sunday, March 26, 2017

Adventure Log Session 10

Date June 13 - July 10, 1226 Raeleni Calendar

Thom Tum, 3rd level Gnome Thief
Igor, 3rd level Dwarf Cleric
Iron Stone, 3rd Level Dwarf Fighter


-- The party and the town of Fractured Hill recovers.  Funerals are held for the deceased.  The townsfolk talk with the party about staying on after their obligations are met, especially Igor, as the town is currently lacking a high-ranking cleric.  Igor stays at the Temple while Thom and Iron stay with the Huddles.  Single women begin flirting with Iron and Igor, and some families drop broad hints of perhaps arranging marriages with Igor or Iron, complete with dowries.


-- A rich former resident of the town, a merchant dwarf woman named Sharda Hammermain, visits the town wanting to hire the party after hearing of their exploits.

-- Her husband, Fjorin, has been missing for over two years, having been obsessed with finding adamantine ore in the mountains.  He and his contingent of dwarven miners established a mine deep in the mountains in known orc and goblin territory.  Sharda agrees to pay the party 10K gold, with 5K up front in the form of a high-quality jewel ring, if they either bring back her husband or proof that he's dead in the form of his personal property.

-- They learn they are not the first party she sent after her husband.  The last party she sent is over three weeks overdue.


-- Kalindra, the low level town Cleric, joins the party on the journey.  Party sets out on journey into the deep foothills, first traveling to the small trading town of River Bend and then heading north along the river.


-- Party stays at the Sarruh's Rest Inn, beside a swamp called Vile's Fen.


-- The party heads inland, and are ambushed by a small party of goblins.  They easily fight them off.


-- The party spies the small keep in the cliff face where Fjorin built his mine entrance.  Thom sneaks in, seeing large steam-powered automatons

 -- Iron Stone and Kalindra are chased by a much larger horde of goblins numbering over 50.  Everyone makes it to the keep and the goblins are chased off .

-- Inside, they meet Fjorin, who has come to despise his wife's meddling, especially since he reveals he has found admantine ore and seems obsessed with getting more.  There is no sign of any of the other dwarves, whom he says left bit by bit over the last few years.

-- He takes the party to meet the Spider Swarms, who his mine accidentally stumbled into.  They are pack-intelligence tarantulas who have been living underground since before the Great Sundering 1200 years ago.  They have advanced technical knowledge but most are agoraphobic.  The swarms manning the automatons on the surface are considered insane.

-- Fjorin hires the party to hunt for meat to help feed the Spider Swarms.  In return, they reward him with adamantine ore their automatons extract from their extensive tunnels.


-- The party spends a day hunting.

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