Sunday, March 12, 2017

Adventure Log Session 9

DATE: June 12, 1226 Raeleni Calendar


Thom Tum, 3rd level Gnome Thief
Igor, 3rd level Dwarf Cleric
Iron Stone, 3rd Level Dwarf Fighter


-- Back in Fractured Hill, Igor begins hearing screams and commotion outside the Inn.  He spies townspeaople being run down and attacked by the Zombie Sheep.

-- He makes his way over to the temple, where the only remaining cleric, an acolyte named Kalindra, helps him fend off some of the sheep.and hole up in the temple.

-- Kalindra fetches a magical hammer of Brother Clovis, the priest who was called away to help with the insurrection to the south.  The hammer belonged to his brother, a storm priest like Igor, has magical properties only a storm priest can use. Between the hammer and his spells, Igor is able to keep the temple zombie sheep free.

-- Thom and Iron Stone make their way through the town to the temple, noticing many of the bitten townspeople acting like enthralled sheep.  The party regroups together at the temple.

-- The party leaves town to return to Mika's cottage.  At the cottage, they find a necromancer's lab, mostly cleared out, and evidence that Thuala (the vampire) might be heading toward the mines by Mountain Lake.

-- They take off cross country, happening upon a shepherd that tells them he saw Thuala and two dogs pass by not too long before.

-- Toward twilight, the enter Mountain Lake and warn the villagers there about what's happening with their family at Mountain Lake.  They begin searching old mine entrances for the refugees.

-- They track Thuala and the dogs down to a cave and confront them.  The dogs were wearing magic necklaces that allowed Mika's spirit to possess them.  After a quick battle, the characters defeat Thuala and the dogs, with one dog surviving when the necklace was removed.

-- The party returns to Fractured Hill and help the townsfolk recover.

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