Friday, February 10, 2017

Core Hit Points and Non-Magical Healing

These are homebrew rules for how non-magical healing works in the campaign as well as a minor-rethinking of how Hit Points work exactly, to keep things in the game more dynamic and exciting.  This was used with other campaigns successfully, and just wanted to give it a try here.

The concept of CORE HIT POINTS refers to the bottommost tier of a character's HP total.  They are equal to the HP a character has at first level plus his current level.  So if a character had 12 HP at first level, and his current level is 7, then his core HP is 19.

Again, this is the last tier of HP a character will go through in his normal HP total.  If the character above had a total 50 HP at 7th level, then the last 19 HP of that total would be his Core HP.

Core Hit Points represent the direct physical damage a character's body can endure.  The rest of his HP total, as per traditional D&D interpretation, mostly represents a character's ability to avoid getting hurt in dangerous situations, or in some cases, his ability to will through pain and damage.


Without magic, Core Hit Points are healed as per the old rules:

-- 1 HP/Day of rest.
-- 2 HP/Day of rest if attended to by a character with Medicine OR Herbalism
-- 1 HP + Healer's level modifier / Day of rest if attended to by character with Medicine AND Herbalism (usually 3+)


-- If character with Herbalism has no medicines or herbs to use, their skill is ineffective
-- More than one character can combine their skills to attend a patient.  Highest level character uses their level modifier, if applicable
-- A roll may be required for a healing period, depending on the nature of the damage.  Each contributing healer beyond the first can add +1 to the roll.  Critical failure (a 1 on the die) means less than normal amount of HP gained.  On a critical success (20 on the die) more than normal amount of HP may be gained.
-- Some injuries may take longer to heal, at the DM's discretion


Once a character's Core Hit Points are fully healed, either by magical or non magical means, they can regain HP as per their hit dice after a short (at least 1 hour) rest as described in the 5e Player's Handbook.  Where as the Core Hit Points are the body physically healing, the remainder of the character's Hit Points represents the character's fighting and survival prowess and can be recovered much more quickly.  This heals a number of points equal to a roll of character's Hit Die equal to his level, plus his Constitution bonus per hit die.

For example,a 7th level fighter with no Constitution bonus would roll 7d10 to regain his Hit Points, since he uses D10s for his class Hit Point Die.  A 4th level Thief  with a Constitution of 12 would roll 4D8 + 4, using the d8s of his class's Hit Point Die plus 1 per level from his Constitution bonus.

-- Again, this is ONLY if the character's Core Hit Points are fully healed, either naturally or through magic.

-- Each healing Hit Die a character has can be used only once until a long rest is taken.

-- Healing Hit Die do not have to be expended all at once, as healing Hit Die are not regained until a long rest (8+ hours) is taken.  They can be expended fully, partially, or not at all, depending on a character's preference.


A character gains his full non-Core HP after a long rest (8+ hours) and HALF of their spent healing Hit regained.  After 24 hours, their full Healing Hit Die returns.

-- Again,m the full Hit Points are regained ONLY if the Core Hit Points are first fully healed.


Magical healing works as normal, whether to Core Hit Points or Normal Hit Points.


It is possible some attacks and situations may attack the Core Hit Points directly and bypass/ ignore the rest of the rest of the character's Normal Hit Point.  This is relatively rare, however.  Instances where Core Hit Point Attacks may be invoked:

-- The character is unconscious and still is taking steady damage from an external source, such as if he is drowning, on fire, or being digested.

-- Certain types of poison

-- Certain illnesses

-- Certain types of direct internal attack, such as from a well-entrenched rot grub


If a character reaches 0 HP, their normal bodily functions stop and are considered clinically dead. However, they can still be resuscitated and/or stabilized if tended to immediately.

-- If only non-magical healing is available, then he heals up at the same rate form his negative HP total.  He just remains unconscious (more or less in a coma) until he reaches 0 hp.  For example, if a character was knocked down to -3 HP, and they let him recover naturally, then only after 3 days of rest he will finally regain consciousness.

Irrevocable death occurs when the character reaches negative HP equal to their  Core Hit Points.  For example, if a character has 19 Core Hit Points, then when he reaches -19 HP, his body becomes too damaged for medical recovery and well and truly dies.

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