Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Towns of Fractured Hill and Mountain Lake


Located in the valley along the dirt road. Population: about 320, about 1/2 dwarf, 1/2 halfling.  Central houses and buildings are mostly dwarf construction (solid, ancient stone work) though most modern buildings, especially farmhouses, are wood and follow halfling aesthetic.  Some families have workers in the mines near Mountain Lake, but also support the local farmers and trappers and a smattering of craftsmen.

The town is named after a nearby hill with a huge crack down the middle from the result of collapsing ancient mineshafts under it.

There is one Tavern/Inn: The Beard, Board, and Beer, or informally known as the Three B's by the locals.  Besides renting rooms and selling ale, it is also a barber shop that specializing in trimming, styling, and shaping beards.  Though located in the same large stonework manor-like building, one family owns the Inn part along with the stables, and another runs the tavern and barbershop parts.


About 2 miles away nestled much higher in elevation is the small town of Mountain Lake, located right beside the active iron ore mines with a small lake about 500 ft across next to it.  Like the mines, it is only opened seasonally and is mostly abandoned in the winter.  During warmer months, it holds about 60 residents, mostly miners from Fractured Hill with some support personnel.  The mines themselves are run by a co-op of local families, and is over seen by a 'board' of chosen family heads.

Mountain Lake has one permanent resident family, a pair of brothers and their wives, who run the bar/blacksmith/wagonwright shop.

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